

We should review our release process and ensure the frequency is appropriate, and that we have enough shared responsibilities distributed knowledge.

Release process


Execution not overly complicated, Currently takes 1-2 days elapsed if no significant issues come up

ESSENTIAL to get a backup for this to address


Need to co-ordinate release of UI with core egeria – a separate release lifecycle may make sense, but needs co-ordination, understanding of compatible versions, and understanding integration testing, charts etc


Highly variable, with differing levels of focus over time How do we want to handle? release? testing? versioning?


There is no branch for the charts repo. versions are linearly incremented


Currently there is no versioning beyond git commits


These should be updated when a release comes out, we may not be doing this quick enough. How can we make more efficient?

Dependency management

In addition to the release, every month:


LF have mechanism to sign artifacts (currently I sign them) which we should move to this is also a precursor for creating & publishing SBOMs


How frequently should we release:

Less Often?

Align subcomponents so we can talk about all together?

release notes

Need more detail? simpler formatting? Auto-generated PR list? Can use tags to separate? easier to offer ‘impact’ with less frequent releases

Versioning of docs?

Tracking candidate items

Use of ‘projects’ (across repos) or milestones? For every issue, or just longer line items? tagging of issues/PRs for consistency


Other build issues